ef Zámbó  műterem (4)István ef Zámbó (1950) is a self-educated artist who deals not only with traditional genres (painting, sculpture, graphic art), but also with music, performance, film and multimedia. István ef Zámbó is one of the founders of the Vajda Lajos Studio. In 1980, he became a member of a band called A. E. Bizottság, later, the leader of the ef Zámbó Happy Dead Band. Besides Dadaism, Surrealism, his art has been inspired by the local pictorial tradition that goes back to Lajos Vajda, as well as by Serbian icon painting. His unique set of motifs, including a walking heart, a red nail, a dotted ball, an axe, a hammer, a pair of eyes and different snakes, as well as his consistent symbolism may evoke a wide range of associations and give rise to an infinite number of interpretations.