Szentendre Home Salon Foundation organizes home exhibitions in order to support artists in Szentendre and build the connection between Szentendre art works and art lovers. Szentendre has been famous for its active artistic life for more than 100 years, and thanks to that reputation it well deserves to be called the Town of Painters.

Home salons are always unique and are set up at different locations only for one Sunday afternoon with the invitation of a host family. These are highly intimate, private occasions with between 30 to 50 guests, the guest list being provided by the host themselfes. Home Salon Foundation organizes the professional part of the event: contacts artists, delivers art works, installs them on the spot, calls upon an expert to introduce the exhibition and helps to find chamber music which is always a part of the event. 3 painters are exhibited at a time: a classical one from the past, a contemporary one and a young or novice artist. All works are original and for sale all the time. The Foundation also supports the  organising process: contacts guests, mails invitations, collects feedback and sends individual invitations by post, which are a series of art works printed in a limited number of copies, signed by the main artist and addressed to guests by name. This gesture will always be a reminder of a hopefully memorable event.

In 2012 the Foundation had 5 home salons at 5 host families, introducing works of 15 artists to groups of different sizes, from 35 to 55 per occasion. In December 2012, the second weekend of Advent, the Foundation organized the first Open Home Salon, which was open to the wide public for 3 days. The Guest House of Szentendre (called the Dimsics house) on the Main Square, which is one of Szentendre’s many mercantile houses, hosted the event in its lovely studios and brilliant atmosphere. Visitors could see all the 15 artists’ works (nearly 150 of them) is one place , and could also have a look behind the curtains and witness a salon event. The programme is the first of its kind, and a part of a future tradition:  the Foundation is going to organise regular open salons in spring, summer and winter to introduce Szentendre art works to the public. The unique feature is that during these open events artists are also invited to meet people.